Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Ongoing through the Spring and early Summer of 2021, OIT will be automatically replacing Symantec Anti-virus with Microsoft Defender Antivirus on all campus-owned devices including both Windows and Mac. All that is required of the user is for the computer be connected to the UCO network and to be rebooted when prompted. Targeted email communications are occurring to groups of users based on areas of operation or college and the type of computer (Windows or Mac).  When it is time for your computer to be updated, you will receive an email reminding you of the update which will include screenshots on what prompts to expect when it is time to reboot. 


Microsoft Defender Anti-virus software is automatically installed for all UCO-owned Windows and Mac devices.  Microsoft Defender is part of the larger security eco-system intended for large organizations.  Microsoft 365 security center, allows IT administrators to monitor and manage security across our Microsoft identities, data, devices, apps, and infrastructure.  Defender is cloud-managed so your devices will receive updates anywhere they have Internet access.

Key Features

The key security features of Microsoft Defender Anti-virus includes:

  • Always-on scanning using file and process behavior monitoring and other real-time protection
  • Discovers vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in real-time without the need for agents or periodic scans
  • Detects and blocks apps that are deemed unsafe, but may not be detected as malware
  • Eliminates risky or unnecessary attack vectors (paths hackers use to gain unauthorized access) and restricts dangerous code from running
  • Leverages artificial intelligence to automatically investigate alerts and remediate complex threats
  • Uses behavior-based machine learning to identify suspicious activity and advanced attack techniques
  • Cloud-delivered protection that includes near-instant detection and blocking of new and emerging threats
  • Regularly updates to keep anti-virus up-to-date
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Article ID: 112237
Thu 4/1/21 11:50 AM
Fri 10/13/23 10:25 AM