Requesting local Linux Server Access


When requesting access to one of UCO’s internal Linux servers, either for employee or contractor, certain information will be needed before the request can be processed.


  1. Create a new Team Dynamix Request
  2. Include a signed ESA form with items from #4 included.
  3. Please create a separate task or ticket for Linux access if the request includes multiple types of access.
  4. Required information for employees and contractors
    1. User’s name – First and Last
    2. UID – Active Directory user id (will be the same as your email with the domain info)
    3. Contact number – The assigned UCO extension for the user being added
    4. Server(s) – The specific servers that are being requested. 
    5. Group(s) – The groups (level of access) that is being requested.  If none are included then a basic account will be created.  A “model-after” can be given if the job functions are identical.  This is on a server-to-server basis.
    6. Employer (Contractor-only):  Name of the company or organization



Article ID: 105209
Mon 4/13/20 3:51 PM
Tue 8/27/24 8:40 AM