Learn@UCO (D2L) - Student Role Change


If a student needs access to a closed course, the instructor can change the student's course role (found in the classlist) from "Student" to "Student - Extended Access". This will allow that single student access to the course for as long as is needed while the course remains closed to all other students. This will also not affect the student's access to any other courses.



This article will describe the steps necessary to change a student's role within a specific course, to allow access to the course after the course's set end date. This will not affect the course end date, access for other students to the course, nor for the student's access to other courses. 


1. Log in to Learn@UCO (D2L) and select the course.

2. On the course nav bar click Communications then select Classlist.

3. On the Classlist check the box next to the student's name.

4. Then select the Enrollment button


5. On the Change Enrollment screen click the Select a Role dropdown then select the Student - Extended Course Access option.

6. Click the blue Save icon to finalize the role change.

Change Enrollment Screen




Article ID: 112300
Thu 12/9/21 4:18 PM
Thu 10/12/23 3:47 PM