Motorola Watchguard Videomanager EX - Configure Device Settings Reference Guide



Device settings dictate the behavior of all body-worn cameras connected to your instance of VideoManager EX.


You can configure device settings as an administrator on VideoManager EX. To do so:
1. Navigate to the Admin tab.
2. Select the Devices pane.
3. Click the Device Settings section.

You can now configure the following settings:

● Full battery required - if set to On, operators can only undock their body-worn cameras with their RFID cards if those
body-worn cameras have been fully charged. If set to Off, you can enter a minimum charge time that must be met
before the body-worn cameras can be undocked with RFID.

● Enable device discovery - if set to On, VideoManager EX will detect body-worn cameras which are connected to the
machine running VideoManager EX via USB (e.g. a solo dock). If set to Off, VideoManager EX will only detect
body-worn cameras which are connected via configured DockControllers.

● Default device assignment mode - from this dropdown, select the assignment mode which will be presented as default
when assigning body-worn cameras from the Devices tab. This can still be overridden by administrators on a
case-by-case basis.
● Configure external application account credentials - ensure this has been set to Off.

● Limit simultaneous downloads to - determine the number of body-worn cameras which can download footage to
VideoManager EX simultaneously. For example, if set to 10, only 10 body-worn cameras can download footage at once -
once one finishes downloading, another one will take its place immediately.
● Fast download recovery - if set to On, when a footage download is interrupted and then connection is re-established, it
will resume downloading from the same point before connection was broken. If set to Off, when a footage download is
interrupted and connection is then re-established, the download will begin again from the beginning.
● Download oldest media file first - if set to On, body-worn cameras will download the oldest footage to VideoManager EX
first. If set to Off, they will download the most recently-recorded footage first.

● Battery life extender - this should only be set to On if you regularly leave your body-worn cameras charging in their
docks for 24 hours or longer.
● Expect connectivity on charger - if set to On, body-worn cameras will restart periodically if they are charging but not
connected to VideoManager EX. Set to Off if you plan to charge body-worn cameras in the field, with no connection to
VideoManager EX (e.g. charging from a power bank).

● Enable shift-long field trips - if set to On, a body-worn camera assigned to a user with single issue or single issue and
RFID will have an affinity with that user once it is redocked in the middle of a shift. This means that if an operator
redocks their body-worn camera mid-shift and then undocks it later in the shift, VideoManager EX will automatically
assign the same body-worn camera to them, unless one of the following conditions is met:
○ The body-worn camera is fully charged.
○ The body-worn camera is manually unassigned on VideoManager EX.
○ The shift ends, as determined by the number of hours entered into the Maximum shift length field.

● Enable footage signing - if set to On, each body-worn camera will be provided with a certificate which they will use to
sign media files. When the media files are downloaded, VideoManager EX will check that the media files' signatures
match the body-worn cameras' certificates, and that the body-worn cameras' certificates can be trusted.

PLEASE NOTE: This will only work if a certificate authority has been created or imported into VideoManager EX. For more
information, please see the VideoManager EX admin guide.

Click Save Settings.



Article ID: 112515
Mon 12/2/24 11:30 AM