My Degree Plan is an individualized degree audit for students using their specific major and catalog year. It can be found within UCONNECT in the Degree Progress card for UCO students and also accessible at MyDegreePlan.
Is My Degree Plan my official degree check?
No. Your degree plan is a helpful tool for you and your advisor to track your progress towards your degree. For an official degree check, please contact your UCO advisor.
How often is my degree plan updated?
My Degree Plan is updated with new information from our student information system nightly. This means you will not see course registration changes or newly posted grades until the next day.
What is a catalog year?
Your catalog year is typically the year that you enter UCO as a student. Your catalog year determines the degree requirements you must meet to complete your degree. For more information on catalog rights, please view the General Degree Information in the University catalog.
Why does my overall/major/minor GPA say 0.0 if I have not flunked any courses?
If you have no grades posted yet your GPA will show as 0.0. Once you have grades posted in each section your GPA will be calculated accordingly.
My major is wrong.
You must make sure the correct major has been officially declared. If it has and it is still wrong, contact your advisor.
Why is my major or minor showing in the header but my audit says “No block is found”?
Your degree plan header shows the information that is listed in our student information system. The degree audit blocks search against what we have programmed in order to show you the requirements. The most frequent cause is when a student is on an older catalog year that is not in the degree plan system. For more information, contact your advisor.
What is a concentration?
Concentrations are areas of specialty required by a few, but not most, majors. For more information, see the degree sheet for your particular major.
What are notes? Are they required?
Notes are added to your audit by advisors and other offices (such as Graduation Services) for documentation purposes.
What if I have more than one major?
If you are a double major, both majors will show on the same audit because they are under the same program and therefore the same degree. If you are seeking concurrent degrees, they may show on the same audit if they happen to be the same degree type. For instance, students seeking concurrent majors in Accounting and Math would see their majors on one audit since both majors are Bachelor of Science degrees. Any majors that are under different degree types (BS & BA, for example) will show on different audits.
Click on the “Degree” drop-down box to the left of your name to switch between degree types to see both audits. For more information on the difference between double majors and concurrent degrees, please contact your advisor.
I just changed my major but it’s still showing my old major on my audit. When will it show correctly?
If you sent a major or minor change request through the Academic Advisement website, please allow 1-2 business days for processing. Because your degree plan is updated from our student information system once a night, any change entered will be reflected the next day.
What are substitutions and exceptions?
Departments may approve a different course or minimum hours or grades to meet a particular requirement. These are called substitutions and exceptions or waivers. These must be requested through your advisor and approved by the appropriate office or department.
My audit does not match what is on my degree sheet or is not accurately reflecting a requirement I know I’ve met. What can I do?
Your advisor can help explain any discrepancies or correct any information that may be inaccurate.