View an Online Quiz or Exam Submission Details in Learn@UCO


This article walks students through the process of reviewing an online quiz or exam submission taken in the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.



After completing an online quiz/exam in Learn@UCO, you can review your submission details which will include the date/time you completed the quiz/exam and your grade if the instructor has set the submission to be automatically graded. In some cases, your instructor may provide additional submission details either immediately after completing a quiz/exam or at a later date in the semester. If this is the case, your submission details may also include the quiz/exam questions, your responses to questions and/or the correct answers for the quiz/exam questions. It is recommended you discuss with your instructor what type of information you should see when reviewing your quiz/exam submissions.

This article will walk students through the process of reviewing the submission details for an online quiz or exam taken in the Learn@UCO quizzes tool.


  1. Log in to Learn@UCO and access your course.
  2. Click Assessments > Quizzes.
  3. On this page you will see the list of quizzes/exams for your course and information about each including how many attempts you have completed. Click the title of the correct quiz/exam. 
  4. The next page provides a summary report of your quiz/exam details. To review your submission details, click the dropdown arrow next to the quiz title and select Submissions.
  5. You will see each attempt listed with grade information (if available). Click on the attempt title to review submission details.
  6. The next page will vary depending on instructor settings. Review your submission details and then click Done.

    Keep in mind that some instructors will set time and/or date limits for review your quiz submission. Be sure to contact your instructor if you have any questions about availability.


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Article ID: 61581
Thu 8/30/18 3:24 PM
Thu 8/1/24 2:23 PM