Search11 Results

Services or Offerings?
Report an issue with electronic access control

Request electronic access to facilities, access to UCO's electronic access control management software, or installation of electronic locks

The security policy exception request will accommodate specific limited circumstances in the event utilizing the security controls identified in the Information Security Policy and the associated supplemental Standards and Guides would significantly impair the educational, research, business, or service missions of the University, and approves necessary variations from normally required policy compliance.

Request access to the video surveillance system or installation of a camera or cameras

Report an issue with the video surveillance system

Request general information and support for Transact, UCO's campus card solution.

Report a disruption of service in Transact.

Need to modify a feature or change the caller ID for your phone extension? Get started here.

Recommendation for AV Multimedia purchases and design.

Find information and support for Database Services

Want your own .com? Submit your request for a "marketing" or vanity domain or sub domain.