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Services or Offerings?
Need a new phone extension or an existing phone extension added to your phone? Get started here.

Purchase a Cisco IP Phone 8851, Cisco IP Conference Phone 8831, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 6901.

Report a disruption in phone service.

Need to modify a feature or change the caller ID for your phone extension? Get started here.

Find information about purchasing a new UCO business phone in the Request for New Technology service area.

Request an additional network drop for your office or area.

Change your voicemail PIN or have it reset to the default.

Set up a conference call.

Domestic and International long distance access.

UCO's emergency management notification system

The Central Tech Store can help!

Purchase discounted technology for university use

Purchase discounted technology for personal use

This is to report issues you have with teleworking or get assistance with remote work.

Guest Access to UCO Wireless Network.