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Services or Offerings?
Request content updates for the UCO website.

Request content be published from the Staging Server to the Live UCO website via the Web Content Management System (WCMS).

Create and manage e-learning content for delivery inside or outside of a LMS

Request to gain access to create, edit, and modify content on the UCO website.

Request signage to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media etc.

Request signage to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media etc.

Request a new knowledge article, content update, article approval, etc.

Ally is a feature that promotes inclusivity for all learners by providing downloadable, alternative formats to course content for students while also providing guidance to instructors for improving content accessibility. Use this service to request help when dealing with an issue or disruption in access to Ally in D2L.

Ally is a feature that promotes inclusivity for all learners by providing downloadable, alternative formats to course content for students while also providing guidance to instructors for improving content accessibility. Use this service to learn more or request general assistance with Ally in D2L.

Do you need assistance with the accessibility of your digital content? Do you have a learner who is not able to access their course material? General support for accessibility needs is available.

ECMS optimizes document management and business processes, enabling UCO to reduce redundancy and automate everyday tasks

Report a disruption of service in ECMS

Students, Faculty, and Staff can request to have a website created on the UCO website.

Central Collaboration Spaces are available for to UCO students, staff and faculty.

Need to email a large group, we can assist. Request an email blast, sometimes known as a mass email or single message to a larger group.