Central Directory Profiles Information & Guide


Central Directory profiles are a resource created to house faculty and staff information in a central location at www.uco.edu/centraldirectory. Upon viewing the faculty and staff search results, a link to view a Central Directory Profile will be displayed when available (and approved).

By creating a profile, prospective and current students and their parents can know more about the faculty and staff they will engage with at Central. A complete bio helps them get to know you and our university.

Faculty and staff can customize information within their profile, such as professional experience, class offerings, research projects, office hours, and more. With one centralized location, any link throughout the website referring back to the profile page will always be up-to-date, removing the need to update information in multiple locations across the UCO website. Profiles can be updated, according to need, at any time, increasing the reliability and timeliness of each faculty and staff member’s information.

If changes are needed to your directory information (phone extension, office location, box number), please review the Requesting Directory Changes section below.


  • Faculty and staff profiles may only be created for and by full-time UCO employees.
  • Individuals must create their own Central Directory Profiles.
  • UCO University Communications must approve all photos and profiles before becoming available in the Central Directory.
  • University Communications reserves the right to edit Central Directory Profiles for university tone, writing style, grammar and general accuracy. 


Create/Edit Your Central Directory Profile

To begin working on your UCO Central Directory Profile, you can visit the Central Directory profiles page.

  1. Visit https://www3.uco.edu/centraldirectory/profiles
  2. Login with your UCO username and password.
  3. Once logged in, the Profile Management Menu will be available. This is the starting point for creating and updating a UCO Central Directory Profile.
  4. Create a Central Directory Profile by following the detailed instructions in the Central Directory Profiles Guide.


Request Assistance

Requesting Directory Changes

For changes to:

  • Office location
  • Campus mail address
  • Work phone
  • Job title
  • Department Office Location

Contact your supervisor and request that a Personal Action Form (PAF) be submitted via Paycom with the needed changes. Once the PAF has been approved through the Paycom system, the supervisor will be notified, and changes will be completed.



For changes to the Central Directory display of information regarding:

  • Associated department or office,

Request for updates must be submitted to University Communications by emailing ucomm@uco.edu.


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Article ID: 58023
Mon 7/23/18 1:30 PM
Tue 6/18/24 12:18 PM