Professional Development FAQ

Tags paycom FAQ


Q:  How do I view and print learning transcripts?

A:   Supervisors will be able to do this for their employees. More information about this feature coming soon.


Q:  Can we view our employee's learning transcript?

A:  Supervisors will be able to; more information coming soon.


Q:  Can employee's print a certificate of completion for each course? How?

A:   Yes, course information is stored in the learning section. Choose “History” to view the information.


Q:  Which system should I use to complete my annual compliance training?

A:   For FY '19, continue to use the Learning Center.


Q:  Can I add the workshop/conference I attended off campus to my learning transcript?

A:   Course documentation can be uploaded into the notes and documents section for their annual appraisal, but not into the Learning Section.


Q:  How do I locate sessions centered around technology or computer training?

A:   Use Paycom University’s search function


Q:  Who has access to Paycom Learning?

A:  All UCO employees including faculty, staff, and student employees.


Q:  Will we still use the learning center?

A:   Yes. At this time, the Learning Center will remain the primary resource to access training reports, register for instructor-led courses and complete online training through FY ‘19.


Q: When should we use Paycom Learning instead of the Learning Center?

A:   At this time, Paycom Learning contains learning opportunities strictly related to utilizing the Paycom system. All other learning opportunities can still be found in the Learning Center.


Q:  Will we still use UCONNECT?

A:  UCONNECT will continue to house historic info such as paystubs prior to May 1st. It will also continue to house student data primarily.


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