Concur Profile FAQ


Q:  What is the employee profile?

A:  The employee profile includes personal information as well as Request, Travel and Expense settings.


Q:  Where does the funding organization in my profile come from?

A:  UCO automatically loads your payroll org into the Request and Expense settings.  This org is the default for all travel requests and expense reports.  You are able to change the org for the entire travel request or expense report in addition to allocating expenses to different orgs by percentage or dollar amount.


Q:  Where is my supervisor assigned?

A:  UCO automatically loads your supervisor into Concur.  You can view your supervisor under Request Approvers and Expense Approvers on your Profile.  If your supervisor is incorrect, contact Human Resources at


Q:  Can I turn off email reminders?

A:  You are able to adjust your email preferences in your Profile.

  1. Click on Profile in top right of screen

  2. Click on Profile Settings

  3. Select Request Expenses and/or Expense Preferences

  4. Adjust email settings and click Save.


Q:  What is a delegate?

A:  A delegate is an individual authorized to work in Request and Expense on behalf of another person.


Q:  What can I do as someone's delegate?

A:  As a delegate, you're able to work in Request and Expense on behalf of another person. However, you're not able to submit.


Q:  How do I assign someone as my delegate?

A:  To assign a delegate to work in Request and/or Expense on your behalf, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Profile text in top right of screen

  2. Click on Profile Settings

  3. Select Request Delegates or Expense Delgates

  4. Selec Add and search for the person to be set up as your delegate

  5. Select Add next to delegate name

  6. Check the boxes of the permissions you are allowing

  7. Select Save


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