To install and configure the VMware Horizon Client for Windows, complete the following steps:
1) Open a web-browser, go to, then click Install VMware Horizon Client.

2) Click Go to Downloads

3) Click Download

4) When the download has completed, go to the Downloads folder and open the file to install the VMware Horizon Client.

5) Click Yes

6) Click Agree & Install

7) The VMware Horizon Client may take a couple minutes to install.

8) Click Finish

9) A computer restart is required. Save any unsaved work and click Restart Now.

10) After the computer has restarted, open the VMware Horizon Client desktop icon.

11) Click Add Server

12) Input and click Connect.

13) Input user name and password, then click Login.

14) All virtual desktops in which the user is entitled to will display. Click the desired virtual desktop to login to a virtual desktop.

15) The virtual desktop will display and is ready to use.