Requesting local Linux Server Access

Tags account linux
  1. Create a new Team Dynamix Request
  2. Include a signed ESA form with items from #4 included.
  3. Please create a separate task or ticket for Linux access if the request includes multiple types of access.
  4. Required information for employees and contractors
    1. User’s name – First and Last
    2. UID – Active Directory user id (will be the same as your email with the domain info)
    3. Contact number – The assigned UCO extension for the user being added
    4. Server(s) – The specific servers that are being requested. 
    5. Group(s) – The groups (level of access) that is being requested.  If none are included then a basic account will be created.  A “model-after” can be given if the job functions are identical.  This is on a server-to-server basis.
    6. Employer (Contractor-only):  Name of the company or organization
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