Learning Center Facilitator Guide: Course Completion Settings


There are a variety of ways for facilitators to manage their courses including tracking course completion. The first step to setting up your course is to determine the criteria for completing the course and the delivery mode. Based on those two selections, you can easily set up the Learning Center course shell to issue awards and course completion on your behalf. This article provides an overview of setting up awards and course completion tracking for the three general types of course modalities managed in the Learning Center. 

  • Online Courses

    • Online courses can include an individual SCORM file developed outside of the Learning Center and imported via the SCORM tool. Course completion criteria is based on an assessment score provided by the SCORM file and added to the Grades tool in the LC. Be sure to include the Grade item when initially adding your SCORM file as the system is unable to show SCORM file completion within the course without that link! 
    • You can also set up a custom setup for course completion by adding content, quizzes, assignments, grades, and a variety of other items. It will be important to determine the final "trigger" that will indicate the user is completely finished with the course requirements and the course is marked as complete. D2L Release Conditions can be used indicating this criteria. 
  • Instructor Led Courses 

    • Instructor led courses, whether in-person or via webinar, are marked as complete by tracking a person's attendance at the event. Those who were there and completed the ILT requirements are marked as "attended" using the ILT Attendance assignment folder. The attendance marking is a manual process completed by the course facilitator but the course completion and awards pieces are handled automatically by the system. 
  • Hybrid Courses

    • Hybrid course completion is tracked using a combination of methods. It will be important to ensure that there is a method of completion identified for both the online version and the ILT version. You will set up each based on the instructions for those different types. 
    • For some hybrid courses the participant only needs to complete one version or the other in order to achieve course completion and earn the award. For that reason, most instructors choose to have the participant select a modality (either ILT or online), complete the requirements in that version's module in the Content tool, and then hide the alternate version once their selected version is complete. For example, if the participant decides to complete the session in-person via ILT, they register for the date of attendance and attend the session. After the session is over the facilitator marks the attendance record for the participant in the Learning Center course. Once the attendance is marked, the online module in the Content tool becomes hidden, the award is automatically issued for the ILT version, and the course is marked complete in both the participant's list and in the manager dashboard. 


Facilitator Guide: Course Completion Settings

Online Courses

The example used in this section will assume that the criteria for successful completion of the course is a score on the SCORM file quiz of 80% or better.  

Set a Grade Item

  1. Access the Learning Center course and visit the Content tool. 
  2. Select the SCORM file in the Online Module from the Table of Contents. 
  3. Click the triple dot icon and select Edit
  4. If the Grade Out Of box is listed as "ungraded", add an associated grade item by adding a total possible score to the Grade Out Of text box. If you added a grade item when originally uploading the SCORM file, the Score field and Grade Item field will be completed and you can continue to the next step.
  5. Save and Close.

Connect Award to Completion Criteria

  1. Click the Awards tool in the navigation bar. 
  2. Select Course Awards.
  3. If no awards are listed, select Add Award to Course
  4. Select the Course Completion - Online from the available list and click Add
  5. Click Edit Properties
  6. Under Release Conditions, select Create
  7. Select Condition Type: Grades > Grade value on a grade item. Then select the grade item associated with the SCORM file and set the appropriate completion criteria. 
  8. Click Create
  9. Click Save

Set Up Course Completion Trigger

  1. Visit the Course Admin area of the online course. 
  2. Click Completion Tracking
  3. Select the checkbox to Enable completion tracking for this course and the radio button for Defined conditions have been met 
  4. Click Create
  5. Select the Condition Type: Awards > Award earned. Select the Course Completion - Online award. 
  6. Click Create
  7. Click Save and Close

Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Courses 

The example used in this section will assume that the criteria for successful completion of the course is to attend a live session held on a specific day/time.

Set up Completion Criteria 

  1. Access the Learning Center course and visit the Content tool. 
  2. In the ILT course module, ensure there is an assignment folder for marking attendance. If there is not, create a New Assignment in the module and set the Submission Type to Observed In Person and Marked as completed to Automatically on evaluation. No additional settings are necessary. 
  3. Save and Close

Connect Award to Completion Criteria

  1. Click the Awards tool in the navigation bar. 
  2. Select Course Awards.
  3. If no awards are listed, select Add Award to Course
  4. Select the Course Completion - Instructor-Led Session from the available list and click Add
  5. Click Edit Properties
  6. Under Release Conditions, select Create
  7. Select Condition Type: Content > Completed content topic. Then select the content item with the assignment folder. (The observed in person assignment folder is marked as completed in the content tool when the facilitator marks the attendance.)
  8. Click Create
  9. Click Save

Set Up Course Completion Trigger

  1. Visit the Course Admin area of the online course. 
  2. Click Completion Tracking
  3. Select the checkbox to Enable completion tracking for this course and the radio button for Defined conditions have been met 
  4. Click Create
  5. Select the Condition Type: Awards > Award earned. Select the Course Completion - Instructor-Led Session award. 
  6. Click Create
  7. Click Save and Close

Hybrid Courses

You will first need to set up the various methods for tracking course completion. Follow the steps above to set completion for the online and ILT version of the courses or use a combination of criteria in the release conditions. Once the course completion criteria(s) and the course completion tracking are set, you will need to set up release conditions on your content to manage what is available to the learner and when. 

This scenario assumes that a learner may complete the online version of the course (a SCORM file quiz) OR the in-person version held on UCO's campus. The following settings are used to ensure that the learner only sees what they have completed after meeting the course criteria for one or the other format. 

Content Release Conditions

  1. Set each of the modules to be visible until the other module's criteria are met. Start by selecting a module and clicking the triple dots > View release conditions.
  2. Set the release condition settings to the criteria for the other module. 
  3. Click Save and Close

Course Awards

  • Add a course award for each path offered as a part of the hybrid course. 

Course Completion Triggers

  • Add multiple release conditions to the course completion tracking setting. Be sure to set the "course is complete when:" criteria to "Any condition is met" if the learner can earn course completion in multiple ways. 


Additional resource for Facilitators in the UCO Learning Center:

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