Learning Center: A Guide to UCO's Professional Development Platform


This article provides faculty and staff a guide on how to access required annual training, download a copy of your learning transcript or a course certificate, and track your own personal learning inside the official learning management system for professional development; UCO's Learning Center.

You will find instructions on each of the following options: 


Before following the instructions below, start by accessing the UCO Learning Center by clicking the Launch the Learning Center link on the Employee tab in UCONNECT

Accessing/Completing Annual Required Training

There are three core courses that are required on an annual basis (January - December) for every UCO employee: 

  • Cybersecurity
  • Safety
  • Anti-Harassment & Gender-Based Discrimination (Title IX)

You may choose to complete either the live (in-person or virtual) version or the online, self-paced version for each course. To access, complete, and track these courses: 

  1. On the Learning Center homepage, click The Library > UCO Annual Training
  2. Click Details
  3. From the course details page, you can see your current progress for completing the Annual Required Training learning program.
    a. Completed courses will be indicated with a filled-in, green circle.
    b. In-progress courses will have a half-green circle
    c. Not started courses will have a white circle.
  4. Click Launch to start the online, self-paced option. 
  5. The course will launch in a separate browser window. Be sure that pop-up windows are not blocked by your browser settings.
    a. Click Start Course to begin.
    b. When you have completed all course requirements, be sure to click the Exit button to return to the Learning Center. 
  6. Click Details for the Instructor Led courses to view the available dates/times for upcoming live sessions. 
  7. Click About to get the full course description. 
  8. Click Sessions to see the available session dates/times. 
  9. Click Enroll to sign up to attend a session. 
  10. You can add the course to your Learning Plan or withdraw from the course. 
  11. After enrolling for any Instructor Led course, you will receive an automated email from the Learning Center system to your UCO email address.

    This confirmation will include a calendar attachment for you to add to your UCO calendar.

*If you do not see this automated email shortly after your enrollment, be sure to check your email junk and/or clutter folder.

Understanding Completion Status

For the various courses and content within the UCO Learning Center, the system indicates completion status as either not started, in progress, or complete.

  1. Not Started - Courses that have not been started and have zero progress, will show as an empty, white circle with a dotted outline. You can be enrolled in a course but not have begun any work and that course will still be listed as "not started". Instructor-Led Training (ILT) in which you have enrolled but the date of the enrolled session has not passed, will be listed as not started.
  2. In Progress - Courses in which you have begun work but have not yet completed all of the course requirements will be listed as "in progress". These courses will appear as a half-filled green/white circle next to the course title. Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses in which you have enrolled AND the session date has passed but the instructor has not yet recorded your attendance, will be listed as "in progress". 
  3. Complete - Courses in which you have completed all requirements including the minimum score on any associated assessments will be listed as "complete". Completed courses will have a filled-in green circle associated with the course title. Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses in which you have enrolled and the instructor has marked you as having attended will be listed as "complete". 

Printing a Learning Transcript or Course Certificate

Every individual has access to their Learning Transcript which is the official record of completed courses in the UCO Learning Center. This transcript can be printed or saved as a PDF for documentation purposes. Additionally, an individual course certificate may be printed from an individual's learning transcript. This course certificate will include the course title, date/time the course was completed, and your name. 

  1. Click My Profile > Learning Transcript
  2. Click Add Filters to see only specific types of learning opportunities
  3. Select your filters and click Apply
  4. Click print to print the list or save it as a PDF. 
  5. To save an individual course certificate, click Actions for the course and select View Certificate

Tracking Personal Learning in your Learning Plan

In addition to tracking the courses you complete and/or attend officially at UCO, you can also track personal learning experiences such as conferences, webinars, workshops, and more; regardless of where they were hosted. 

  1. Click Learning Plan
  2. On the left side of the page are two categories;
    a. Assigned Learning which are things officially assigned to as a part of your position at UCO and
    b. Personal Learning which are things you have self-selected to attend and add to your Learning Plan. 
  3. Click Add Learning Event to add a learning experience not officially tracked within the Learning Center. 
  4. Complete the Learning Event form and then click Submit
  5. Your new learning even will be added to the bottom of your personal learning list. 
  6. Personal Learning can be organized into "sets" for easy access and filtering. Click Manage Sets
  7. Click Add Set
  8. Type in a name for the set and click Add Set
  9. Manage your sets by selecting a set name and using the icons to the right. 
  10. Click Done to return to your Learning Plan. 
  11. Move items into a new set by selecting the triple dots next to an item's name and clicking Move This Item
  12. Select the set you want to move the item to, click Insert Here, then click Done
  13. Your item will be moved and you can continue adding additional events as needed. 
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Article ID: 39408
Fri 9/22/17 11:32 AM
Wed 2/14/24 12:40 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

The Learning Center provides UCO staff and faculty with online training opportunities and is also used to register for campus training sessions.