Data Integrity


The Office of Information Technology at the University of Central Oklahoma has taken measures to ensure that information can only be accessed or modified by those authorized to do so. This integrity of data is protected not only by restricting access, but also through maintaining rigorous authentication practices and following a set of best practices used to assure that data integrity will not be threatened by environmental hazards, such as heat, dust, and electrical surges. The exact methods used by the Office of Information Technology to ensure Data Integrity is available for your review. 

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All UCO Faculty, staff, students and contractors are responsible for protecting the university data they access or use within the scope of their employment and must comply with the UCO Information Security Policy. The Data Classification Guide applies to all devices used to access university data including university owned and managed computers as well as personal devices (tablets, Smartphones, thumb drives).

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Wed 10/25/17 1:03 PM