UCO On Demand Usage Guidelines

UCO On Demand is a media management and content delivery system, hosted by Kaltura, for higher education that provides a means for managing, delivering, creating, and accessing university-related media content.  The solution is designed for academic purposes.

This service offers faculty and staff the ability to create, upload, and distribute multimedia content through mobile, online, and offline environments. It allows content owners to publish, manage, and analyze their video and other rich-media content. For students and visitors, UCO On Demand provides an abundance of possibilities to access content on a wide variety of subjects including course lectures, presentations, university marketing, department or program information, and training sessions.

Please video the latest UCO On Demand Usage Guidelines: 

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Article ID: 41626
Mon 10/30/17 2:25 PM
Thu 10/12/23 2:30 PM

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