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    Students can use Turnitin Draft Coach to check grammar, similarity, and citations all before submitting to their course instructor. This guide provides a brief overview of Turnitin Draft Coach for instructors, information on how students can get started, and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
    Turnitin Draft Coach provides students with the ability to use Turnitin’s tools in Microsoft Word online to work towards the final draft of their assignment before they submit it to their instructor. Students can get feedback on grammar, citation checks, and check for similarity up to three times per document. Students will need to ensure they are using Microsoft Word, online, using their UCO account and have the Turnitin add-on enabled. This article provides getting-started instructions.
    Microsoft Word is a commonly-used application and is reasonably accessible. The text within Word documents can be read by assistive technologies such as screen readers and electronic Braille devices. Word is often used as an authoring tool and can be converted to PDF and HTML files for websites. Good design makes documents more usable for everyone. The following best practices are provided to help you maximize the accessibility of your Word documents.