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Start typing to lookup. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to review results. Press ENTER to select. Press BACKSPACE to remove a selection.
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    The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the steps to send an encrypted e-mail, how to open the e-mail if it is received by UCO employees, non-UCO employees and/or students.
    Overview of Office365 access and training for faculty, staff and students.
    This article provides steps for linking your UCO Office 365 account to your Zoom account. This allows hosts to view the participant invitee list as well as their calendar responses and allows all zoom participants to connect to a Zoom meeting from their Outlook calendar.
    The Safe Attachments security feature in Office 365 ensures that all potentially malicious email attachments are automatically executed in a virtual sandbox environment, allowing Microsoft to identify and block harmful attachments without any risk to UCO.