UCONNECT - Using Student Resources


This article provides students with the steps necessary to use the most commonly used resources in UCONNECT including:

View Your Schedule

  1. Locate the Class Schedule card either on your homepage or through the Discover tool 
  2. Using the calendar features to view your schedule by day

Print Your Schedule

  1. On the Class Schedule card, click the triple dots in the top right. 
  2. Select the correct semester using the dropdown menu. 
  3. Click the Print icon in the top right of the screen and follow the printer prompts to print your page or save it as a PDF. 

Accessing & Managing Your Class Registration

  1. Locate the Enroll in Classes card either on your homepage or using the Discover tool. 
  2. Click Register for Classes > Browse & Register. This will open in a new window/tab. 
  3. From this page, you can plan ahead, browse available courses, view past schedules, and register for upcoming semesters. To update, view, and drop or add classes to your current schedule, select Register for Classes
  4. Select the current or upcoming Term that is available for registration/schedule changes and click Continue

Accessing Financial Aid Information

  1. Locate the Paying for Classes card either on your homepage or through the Discover tool. 
  2. Each option is this card will open in a new tab/window to allow you to access these resources. 

Managing Account Access (Alternate Email & Proxy Access)

All students at UCO are encouraged to keep their alternate email addresses up to date both for Central Alert purposes and for secondary access in case you need to change your password. Additionally, many students will need to provide access to a parent/guardian to portions of their account to allow others to contribute financially or to allow them access to course grades. Both of these options are found under the Additional Contact Info card. 

Additional Information

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