UCONNECT - Using Faculty Resources


This article provides UCO Faculty members with instructions for the most used tools within UCONNECT including: 

Viewing the Faculty Dashboard

The faculty dashboard provides an overview of the instructor's assigned courses by semester. 

  1. Locate the Faculty Dashboard on either your UCONNECT homepage or in the Discover tool. 
  2. Use the dropdown menu to filter assigned courses by term. 

    If a course does not appear in your faculty dashboard, please contact your department's administrative area to verify that you have been assigned as the official instructor on record. 
  3. Click on the triple dots icon to open a specific course in Learn@UCO (D2L) and to access additional classlist resources. 

View Classlists (including the Picture List) 

  1. Locate the Faculty Dashboard card from either your homepage or the Discover tool.

  2. Filter to the correct term and locate the course name. Click on the triple dots > view classlist/email students

  3. You can switch between the Summary and the Detail view using the dropdown menu on the right. 

  4. You can print your class list by clicking the print icon on the top right. 
    It is not recommended to print a class list that includes Banner IDs or other personal, identifiable information. 

  5. To view the Picture Class List, return to the main UCONNECT and locate the Faculty Dashboard card. 

  6. Click the triple dot icon next to the correct course and click View Picture Class List

  7. In the Picture Class List, you can select to view the Full or Compact version of the information and then Print
    It is recommended that you select the Compact version to print. 

Email Students from UCONNECT 

  1. Locate the Faculty Dashboard card from either your homepage or the Discover tool.

  2. Filter to the correct term and locate the course name. Click on the triple dots > view classlist/email students. 

  3. Select one or more students by clicking the checkboxes next to their name(s). Or email the entire class by selecting the top checkbox.

  4. Click the email icon

  5. This will open your UCO email in Outlook online. Write and send the email as normal and use Outlook to reply to messages from your students. 

Access Learn@UCO (D2L) 

  1. Locate the Faculty Dashboard card from either your homepage or the Discover tool.

  2. Filter to the correct term and locate the course name. Click on the triple dots > view class in D2L. This will open the course homepage for the course you selected in UCONNECT. 

  3. ALTERNATE: To log in directly to your My Home screen, visit and use your UCO credentials to log in. 

Submit Midterm & Final Grades

  1. Locate the Faculty Tools card on your homepage or in the Discover tool. 
  2. Select Class Management Grade Entry. This tool will open in a new tab/window 
  3. Use the Search tool to filter the list of available courses. 
  4. Select the Course you need to enter grades for. 
  5. Scroll below the list of courses to enter letter grades for each student.

Search for Student Information

  1. Locate the Faculty and Advisement Tools card on your homepage or in the Discover tool. 
  2. Select Frequently Used Links Student Advisement Search. This tool will open in a new tab/window 
  3. Complete the form fields and click View Profile.

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Article ID: 112399
Thu 8/3/23 10:33 AM
Thu 10/12/23 2:28 PM