ePortfolios at UCO

Tags D2L


The D2L ePortfolio tool gives students the opportunity to highlight accomplishments from both in and out of the classroom. With tools that make it easy to add, reflect on, share and present digital files, showcasing your learning has never been easier. In addition to providing an excellent set of resources for highlighting experiences, accomplishments and skill sets for potential employers, grad school applications, internship opportunities and more, the D2L ePortfolio tool is the official ePortfolio tool for the STLR project. Learn more about STLR on their website

Google Sites Resources


The D2L ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include items such as documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, and course work to demonstrate your improvement or mastery in certain areas.

Most individuals think of a portfolio as a single binder filled with examples of their work. And, in the past, this was a fairly accurate description. However, with an ePortfolio tool, all of your files are now available digitally, opening up the options for showcasing skills, knowledge and talents to include audio, video and other multimedia files. The D2L ePortfolio tools acts as a repository for all of your content/files: one giant “box” to store everything in. This provides you the opportunity to store as much as you need to over an extended period of time then pick and choose what you present to others.  

You control what items you want to include in your portfolio, how they are organized, and with whom you want to share them. All of your content remains private to you until you decide it is time to share and how to share it. When you share items with your peers, mentors, or potential employers, you can give them permission to view items, edit items, see or add comments, and see or add assessments to receive feedback. Read More

ePortfolio Terminology 


You can think of Artifacts as files stored in the ePortfolio tool. Artifacts can include course content, uploaded files, linked web addresses, web documents, audio recordings, form responses, videos, and other multimedia files.


Use reflections to discuss items in your ePortfolio, record your thoughts on topics that interest you, set goals, and think critically about your learning.


Presentations let you compile ePortfolio items into a web project to showcase your achievements. Your presentations can have multiple pages and use different themes and layouts. Presentations provide a polished, professional medium to demonstrate your learning and accomplishments.


Tags are keywords assigned to the media to help describe the item and allow it to be found again through a search. Each artifact can have multiple tags making it easy to quickly find several artifacts that contain similar topics or content. Taking the time to add meaningful tags will make it easier for you to later find the exact artifact you need. Tags can be content specific such as “Civil War” or “Fractions” or course specific such as “U.S. History from 1820” or “Economics 1120”. You can even use course CRN’s to help categorize artifacts.

Remember that you will search for your files using the title and tags, so the more unique and descriptive the keywords, the easier it will be for you to find your files.


Collections are groups of artifacts, reflections, presentations, and learning objectives. An item can belong to multiple collections at the same time. For example, you can add a short story you wrote to a collection called “Fiction” as well as a collection called “Creative Writing 101” and there will only be one copy of the story (artifact).


To get started using your D2L ePortfolio, log in to Learn@UCO (D2L) at learn.uco.edu or through the Academics tab in UCONNECT. Once logged in, you will find the link to your ePortfolio tool in the upper right side of the navigation bar. Choose the My Items tab to start adding content to your ePortfolio.

Working with Artifacts

Learn how to add/edit artifacts to your ePortfolio including how to upload files from your computer or flash drive, how to create web documents within the D2L ePortfolio tool and how to "push" artifacts from your courses with Learn@UCO (D2L). 

Artifacts - D2L ePortfolio Guide

Working with Reflections

Learn how to add/edit reflection artifacts to your ePortfolio including how to create and link those reflections to other ePortfolio artifacts. 

Reflections - D2L ePortfolio Guide

Setting Up an ePortfolio Presentation

Learn how to setup your own ePortfolio presentations. See below for information on: creating a new presentation, modifying a presentation layout and editing the presentation banner title and description. 

Presentation: Setup - D2L ePortfolio Guide

Adding Content to ePortfolio Presentations

Learn how to add content to your ePortfolio presentation including how to add artifacts, edit/preview presentation content, add a text area to your presentation and how to insert links/images into the text area. 

Presentation: Content - D2L ePortfolio Guide

Customizing ePortfolio Presentations Using Themes

Learn how to customize your ePortfolio presentation using presentation themes. This guide covers how to apply an ePortfolio presentation theme and how to customize that theme. 

Presentation: Themes - D2L ePortfolio Guide

Sharing ePortfolio Items

Learn how to share items from your ePortfolio with both internal UCO users and external users. 

Sharing - D2L ePortfolio Guide


  • Access additional help through D2L's online documentation.
  • Are you a graduating student? You can transfer your ePortfolio content from UCO's system to Brightspace's MyDesire2Learn, giving you access to all of your ePortfolio content even after you are no longer a student. Learn more and access instructions in the ePortfolio export knowledge article
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Article ID: 42294
Thu 11/9/17 3:38 PM
Thu 10/12/23 4:02 PM