Search80 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request IT support for your project

Request addition of hardware or software in a computer lab

Request an additional network drop for your office or area.

Request a new printer be setup to print from Banner.

Request here for printer access.

Request help with moving your printer.

Request to have SAS installed or updated on your UCO owned and/or personal computer

Request signage to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media etc.

Students, Faculty, and Staff can request to have a website created on the UCO website.

Request to gain access to create, edit, and modify content on the UCO website.

Request to view the analytics or receive reports for specific pages of the UCO website.

Request content updates for the UCO website.

Request Technology Training Assistance or Schedule a Customized Training Session

Request a reservation for the OIT Technology Training Lab in Lillard Administration 101A.

Request the build of a new server