Learning Center: Continuous Professional Development Tool

Tags D2L learning


This guide provides instructions for UCO employees to track additional professional development opportunities/experiences outside of those available in the Learning Center using the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) tool.  You can use the tool to set professional development and continuous cultural competency goals and track progress towards completion of those goals through outside webinars, conferences, events, workshops, and a variety of other experiences. 


Access Your CPD Dashboard

  1. Log in to the UCO Learning Center at learningcenter.uco.edu.
  2. Scroll down to view the CPD widget on the right side of the screen.
  3. Use the dropdown options to view your current progress in the different areas. 
  4. Click Go to My CPD Dashboard

Set/Change Target Goals

  1. Open your CPD Dashboard
  2. Click Adjust Targets
  3. Click the pencil icon next to the type to choose how your dashboard displays your learning. 
    Choose between a rolling or specific SPS date for your annual target and progress tracking. A rolling SPS start day will track progress for the last 365 days prior to the current date.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to the subject titles to edit your target goals. 
  5. Enter a goal total number of hours/minutes for both structured and unstructured activities. Then click Save
    There is no right or wrong way to use these fields! This is your learning so you can make the determination if you will track both structured/unstructured and what they mean to you! 
  6. Click Back to My CPD​​​​​​​ to return to your dashboard. 

Add External Learning Experiences to CPD Record

  1. Open your CPD Dashboard
  2. Click Add New Record
  3. Complete the form on your learning experience and add any evidence and/or reflection you have. 
  4. Click Save
  5. Click the title to edit the record or the trash can to delete the record. 

Add Learning Center Experiences to CPD Record

Awards earned through the Learning Center can be added to your CPD record in addition to outside experiences. 

  1. Open your CPD Dashboard
  2. Click the Pending Records tab. 
  3. From the list of available records, click the dropdown arrow and select Add to My CPD​​​​​​​. 
  4. Complete the form for the record and click Save

View Employee's CPD Record (Managers Only) 

Managers have the ability to view their employees goals and tracked records. Unlike the manager dashboard, managers cannot assign learning opportunities through the CPD tool. 

  1. Open your CPD Dashboard
  2. Click the My CPD Team tab. 
  3. Click on an individual's name to view their CPD Dashboard.
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