D2L: Add a Voicethread Assignment


Voicethread is an online tool that allows instructors and students to upload, share and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files and videos. Voicethread enables these resources to them be discussed and commented on using microphone, webcam, text, phone, and audio-file upload. Voicethread is available to all course instructors at UCO and is integrated into every D2L course shell. You can create/add either a graded or ungraded Voicethread activity directly from your D2L course Content. 

This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step walkthrough for instructors on how to add a Voicethread assignment to their D2L course. Additional resources on using Voicethread can be found at the bottom of this article. 

Getting Started

Ungraded Activities

  1. Log in to D2L and access your course. 
  2. From the Content tool, open the module where you want the Voicethread assignment to be located and select Add Existing Activities > Voicethread
  3. To add an ungraded activity, select the Individual Voicethread Activity Type in the pop up window and click Continue. (You can also select Course View or VT Home page option as well). For graded activities, follow the instructions below for adding the Assignment Builder activity type.
  4. Filter or search to select a previously created assignment or click Create a Voicethread. Then Continue.
  5. Select your assignment settings and click Continue.
  6. Give the assignment a name (this is the name that will appear in your D2L course for students to click on) and click Publish
  7. Your students will now be able to access the Voicethread assignment in your course by clicking on the link.

Graded Activities (Assignment Builder) 

  1. Log in to D2L and access your course. 
  2. From the Content tool, open the module where you want the Voicethread assignment to be located and select Add Existing Activities > Voicethread
  3. To add a graded activity, select the Assignment Builder Activity Type in the pop up window and click Continue. For ungraded activities, follow the instructions above for adding the Individual Voicethread activity type.
  4. To have students create their own voice thread activity, select Create then Continue. 
  5. Select the assignment settings including how many comments they should leave on their own slides, how many slides they should upload, how comments are moderated, and more. Then click Continue.
  6. Add your assignment name and instructions then click Publish
  7. Now your students can access the assignment from the Content tool by clicking on the link. 

References (Optional)

For questions or additional information on creating Voicethread assignments, please contact the Center for eLearning and Connected Environments at cece@uco.edu. 


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