Change Course Image: Learn@UCO


This article guides instructors through the process of switching the course image which appears in the My Courses widget on an individual’s homepage. You must be an instructor to switch a course image. Students cannot change the course image.


  1. Log in to Learn@UCO and find the course in the My Courses widget.
  2. Click on the <triple dot icon> and select Change image
  3. Scroll through the available images or search for a topic/keyword to see more options.
  4. Hover over your selected image and click Use this image.
  5. Refresh your home screen to see the new image applied.


This image can also be used as a banner at the top of the Course Home. To learn how to use the course image as a banner on your course homepage, check out the Set Course Image Banner knowledge base article.

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Article ID: 57189
Wed 7/11/18 2:11 PM
Thu 10/12/23 2:42 PM