Learn@UCO Rubric Resources


The Rubric tool available in Learn@UCO (D2L) makes it easy to assess student achievement in Assignment Folders, Discussion Topics, Quizzes, Surveys and Learning Objectives. The Rubric tool can help students understand assignment expectations and provides a method for consistent feedback.


There are many terms that the Learn@UCO system uses that are specific to the Rubrics tool and may not align with terminology used in your field and/or department. The following list is provided for reference on the options available in the Learn@UCO Rubrics tool. 


  • Criteria - rows
  • Levels - columns
  • Descriptors - individual boxes that provide information on the cross section between a criteria and a specific level


There are three rubric status types to indicate its availability:

  • Draft - The initial status of a rubric. Draft rubrics are not yet available for new associations.
  • Published - Associations can be made with published rubrics. Once a rubric has an association, you cannot change the rubric's name, description, levels, and criteria.
  • Archived - Archived rubrics do not appear in default search results and are not available for new associations. Existing associations with archived rubrics remain functional. *Note: Users with permission to change a rubric's status can do so at any time.


A rubric can be holistic or analytic, depending on the requirements for assessment.

  • Analytic Rubrics - Most rubrics are analytic. An analytic rubric breaks performance into multiple criteria. You assess each criterion separately, resulting in an overall assessment score. For example, an analytic rubric for assessing essays could have separate criterion for spelling, grammar, and expression. Each criterion can be assessed as poor, good, or excellent, resulting in an overall assessment that adequately evaluates performance.
  • Holistic Rubrics - Holistic rubrics do not break performance into separate criteria. Performance is assessed holistically, so that you consider several different criteria, but make only one overall assessment.


You can assess rubrics with textual performance levels such as, "Excellent", or with text and numeric score such as, "Excellent (90 points)". There are several ways to score a rubric.

  • Text Only - Performance levels indicated by Text Only. For example, three performance levels for a rubric can be "Poor", "Good", and "Excellent".
  • Points - Similar to Text Only, but includes points to assess performance. For example, three performance levels for a rubric can be "Poor (0 points)", "Good (75 points)", and "Excellent (125 points)".
  • Custom Points - This scoring method is only available to analytic rubrics. The Custom Points scoring method is similar to the Points scoring method, but you can customize the points given for each criterion. For example, if performance levels are "Poor", "Good", and "Excellent", then the criterion "Spelling and Grammar" can be worth 0 points, 10 points, and 20 points for each level, and the criterion "Expression" can be worth 0 points, 30 points, and 60 points, making it worth three times the points of "Spelling and Grammar".
  • Percentages - Percentages is only available to holistic rubrics. A holistic rubric using Percentages can be automatically assessed based on the score of its associated item (for example, a Grade item).


This section determines when students have access to view the rubric.

  • Rubric is always visible to learners
    The rubric will be available for students to preview before an assignment is due in both the rubric tool and in any linked assessment items (dropbox, grade, etc.)
  • Rubric is hidden until feedback is published
    Students do not see the rubric until after it has been used for feedback. Once feedback is published, the full rubric is viewable in the all areas.
  • Rubric is never visible to learners
    The rubric is available to instructors for assessment purposes but students will never see the full rubric, even if feedback has been published.


Watch the following videos to get started using Rubrics:

For additional information on using Rubrics in Learn@UCO, contact the Technology Resource Center at 405.974.5595 or trc@uco.edu.

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