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    This article walks students through the process of submitting an assignment to the Learn@UCO Dropbox for a specific course.
    This article walks students through the process of submitting an assignment to the D2L Dropbox Tool for their instructor to assess using screenshots from a laptop or desktop computer.
    Students can use Turnitin Draft Coach to check grammar, similarity, and citations all before submitting to their course instructor. This guide provides a brief overview of Turnitin Draft Coach for instructors, information on how students can get started, and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
    Turnitin Draft Coach provides students with the ability to use Turnitin’s tools in Microsoft Word online to work towards the final draft of their assignment before they submit it to their instructor. Students can get feedback on grammar, citation checks, and check for similarity up to three times per document. Students will need to ensure they are using Microsoft Word, online, using their UCO account and have the Turnitin add-on enabled. This article provides getting-started instructions.
    Any time you copy course content from one section to another, it is recommended that you take a few minutes to verify the settings for any quizzes/exams using the Respondus LockDown Browser or any assignment folders using Sometimes these settings may need to be updated before these features are enabled in a new course. This article provides instructions for accessing these settings and making modifications.