Exam Proctoring with Respondus Monitor


Respondus Monitor is an automated proctoring solution that works in conjunction with the Respondus LockDown Browser already available as a part of the D2L suite of tools. This solution is provided by the Office of Information Technology at no cost to students and provides instructors with an alternative to student pay proctoring solutions or on-campus testing centers. Learn more about Respondus Monitor on their website

This article provides basic information and links to additional resources for using the Respondus Monitor program to automate proctored exams in D2L. 


Here are a few resources that have been reviewed by the OIT Technology Trainers and provide a good overview/orientation for using Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor. 

  1. Orientation to LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor - It is highly suggested for everyone using Respondus Monitor to watch this overview video. It is only around 6 minutes in length and does a fantastic job orienting instructors to where in D2L they can find the resources and important things to consider. It also shows where all of the other resources are located so that they can incorporate those into their preparation as well. 
  2. Rapid Rollout Guide - this is actually a list of typical resources that those using LockDown Browser and Monitor might need. It includes FAQ's, links to additional information, and training resources as well. 
  3. Understanding Proctoring Results - this guide provides information on interpreting and using the results from the automated proctoring. 
  4. System Requirements (Students) - this provides an overview of the requirements for the computers that students might use to take their exams. 
  5. View the Instructor Quick Start Guide (PDF) or share the Student QuickStart Guide (PDF) with students.
  6. Lockdown Browser & Instructor Live Proctoring - Respondus Lockdown Browser now allows you, as the instructor, to monitor your students while they take exams. 

Additional Video Tutorials: 

Respondus Monitor is an automated proctoring so the actions of the instructor come before and after the exam. Here are some tips for preparing and then reviewing automated proctored exams. 

Before the Exam: 

  1. Create the exam/quiz in D2L 
  2. Check your availability dates - availability dates controls when the student can access an exam, not how long they have to take one. 
  3. Check your time limit in the restrictions tab - this controls how long a student has to complete the exam once the student starts their exam. (Note: The exam time limit does not start until after the student completes the Respondus Monitor steps.) 
  4. Conduct a Practice Quiz to make sure both the instructor and the students know how to use the tools/features and can discuss any discrepancies before the actual exam. 

After the Exam: 

  1. Review the Class Results from the LockDown Browser tab in the D2L Quizzes area. 
  2. Look at the provided screenshots, system information, etc for the flagged areas of high or medium risk sessions. 

It is important for instructors to note that this is automated monitoring, not a live proctor so it will be a different process for exams than many are used to. Students should take these exams in an isolated, quiet area where they can be uninterrupted for the entirety of the exam. If instructors need resources for creating a quiz/exam in D2L, here are some of D2L's resources including text and video based instructions. 

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