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    This article provides online resources and support for the suite of Respondus tools including Respondus 4.0, the LockDown browser, and Respondus Monitor.
    This article walks students through the process of reviewing an online quiz or exam submission taken in the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.
    This article walks students through the process of completing a quiz or exam using the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.
    Any time you copy course content from one section to another, it is recommended that you take a few minutes to verify the settings for any quizzes/exams using the Respondus LockDown Browser or any assignment folders using Sometimes these settings may need to be updated before these features are enabled in a new course. This article provides instructions for accessing these settings and making modifications.
    This article provides steps for instructors to add a question pool in an online quiz or exam created in the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.
    This article provides steps for instructors to create a custom submission view for online quizzes/exam created in Learn@UCO. This feature can allow students to view past quiz submissions, questions, answers, statistics and more based on settings determined by the instructor. These options can be different for each quiz or exam.
    This article provides basic information and links to additional resources for using the Respondus Monitor program to automate proctored exams in D2L.
    OIT and CeCE are supporting two different exam proctoring tools with a variety of features to allow you, as instructors, the flexibility to select the solution that is most appropriate for your class, content, and teaching style.
    This guide provides the instructions for basic steps within Respondus
    This article shows students how to view their course assignment grades in Learn@UCO.
    This guide provides basic instructions for creating a quiz question using the new Quiz Creation Experience in Learn@UCO. It is assumed that individual’s using this guide will have prior experience creating a quiz within the Learn@UCO system.