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    The Activity Feed Service provides the ability to use the Activity Feed homepage widget. The Activity Feed widget creates a unique "feed" or "stream" for a course. The feed is a way for instructors to provide access to activities learners need to complete, deliver information they need to know, and facilitate learner engagement using simplified workflows in an intuitive and friendly interface.
    This article walks students through the process of reviewing an online quiz or exam submission taken in the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.
    This article walks students through the process of submitting an assignment to the D2L Assignment Folder Tool for their instructor to assess with screenshots using a mobile browser.
    This article walks students through the process of submitting an assignment to the Learn@UCO Dropbox for a specific course.
    The My Media area in Learn@UCO (D2L) allows students to upload media files such as videos and images to a central location for streaming purposes. From here, videos and other media files can be submitted in D2L courses, shared to other users, and added to other locations. My Media is a private storage location and is not visible to the public unless a share link is sent to outside users. My Media is the connection between UCO On Demand, the university supported video streaming solution (similar
    This article walks students through the process of viewing the feedback from their instructor on an assignment submitted and assessed in a Learn@UCO Assignments Folder.
    This article walks students through the process of submitting an assignment to the D2L Dropbox Tool for their instructor to assess using screenshots from a laptop or desktop computer.
    This article walks students through the process of completing a quiz or exam using the Learn@UCO Quizzes tool.
    This article walks students through the process of participating in an online discussion the Learn@UCO discussion board for a specific course.
    This article provides students information on using the Learn@UCO Calendar tool including navigating, viewing multiple calendars at the same time, adding your own tasks, and adjusting your view options.
    This article provides basic information and links to additional resources for using the Respondus Monitor program to automate proctored exams in D2L.
    Annotate student assignment submissions in Brightspace with ease. Make notes, underline, and comment directly onto the submitted assignment for student review.
    The D2L Assignments Folder tool in Learn@UCO courses now provides the ability to assess a variety of different submission types, beyond just student submitted files. This article provides an overview of the different submission types and the options available for each. These options are only available to newly created Assignments Folder.
    This article provides students with steps and resources for understanding the Content tool in Learn@UCO, including navigation, bookmarks, printing and more.