Assess an Assignment Submission: Learn@UCO


This article walks instructors through the process of assessing an assignment submitted to a Learn@UCO Dropbox. Instructions for assessing with a rubric are included. 

Additional option instructions include: 


  1. Log in to Learn@UCO and access your course.
  2. Click Assessments > Assignments.
  3. Click the <dropdown menu> for the correct folder and select View Submissions.
  4. Click Evaluate for the first student you need to assess. (See the Additional Options section for information on searching/filtering your Submission View)
  5. Preview the student’s submission or download the file to your computer.
  6. If you are using a D2L Rubric with this assignment folder, click the <rubric title> under the Evaluation section. (If you are not using a rubric, skip to step 10)  
  7. Based on the definitions of the rubric, select the appropriate level of achievement for the criteria (row) you are assessing.
  8. Click on the <pencil (edit) icon> to leave written feedback for the student on their achievement of that criteria or to edit the total number of points received.
  9. Click Save & Record.
  10. Finish evaluating the student’s submission as necessary. You may:
    1. Add a grade
    2. Provide written feedback
    3. Add a file from your computer
    4. Provide audio or video feedback
  11. When you are finished assessing the student’s submission, click either Save Draft or Publish.
  12. Click Next Student to begin assessing the next student’s assignment.
  13. Click Back to Folder Submissions when you have finished all assessments.


Additional Options


You can customize your view on the View Submissions page. You can:

  1. Change to view by user or by specific course section. Then click Apply.
  2. Search for a specific student by typing their name and then clicking the <magnifying glass icon> to start the search.
  3. Filter the page to show only those: with submissions, without submissions, or both by selecting your option then click the <magnifying glass icon> to apply the filter.


When you choose to “Save Draft” for a student’s submission assessment, your progress on that page will be saved, however, the student will not receive any feedback or grade for the assignment. You do have the option to bulk publish all feedback to your students so that everyone will receive their assessments simultaneously. Be sure to use the Save Draft feature as you are assessing your students.

  1. When you have finished assessing everyone in your class click Back to Folder Submissions.
  2. Ensure that you can see all students in your class on a single page. Use the submissions per page option. (If you have multiple pages of submissions to your dropbox folder, you will need to perform these next steps multiple times; once for each page.)
  3. Click the <checkbox> to select everyone on the page.
  4. Click Publish Feedback.


You can choose to run your students’ submissions through when setting up your assignment folder. If you have done so, you will be able to see the percentage of plagiarism report from your View Submissions page. Click the <percentage icon> to open the submission in and view the full report.

Visit to view the full help guide on using Turnitin’s Feedback Studio.


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