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Services or Offerings?
Centralities, the university’s daily newsletter shares information to all UCO Faculty and Staff. Students receive a modified, student edition on Tuesday and Thursday each week.

Request a new knowledge article, content update, article approval, etc.

Find guides, tutorials, resources and additional knowledge in the UCO Knowledge Base

Report a KB related service disruption

Need to modify a feature or change the caller ID for your phone extension? Get started here.

Report a disruption of service for your hardware devices

Report a disruption of service for software

Request help if the printer in your area is having a service disruption.

Report an issue with hardware or software in a computer lab

Report a disruption of service in the Learn@UCO Learning Management System

Report a disruption of service in UCONNECT.

Request general information and support for Transact, UCO's campus card solution.

Employees separating from the university will want to remove access to services before clearing campus.

Looking to launch a blog? Blogs are recognized by UCO as valuable communication and interaction tools for use in creating community.

Central Collaboration Spaces are available for to UCO students, staff and faculty.