Managing your Classlist: Learn@UCO


Instructors can add and remove individuals in their Learn@UCO course shell classlist. Students enrolled in a course are automatically added to the D2L course through their enrollment in Banner. But should there be a discrepancy, these directions allow instructors to manage their classlist and add Teaching Assistants or other Instructors beyond the Banner assigned instructor of record and students. 

Video Instructions

Click here to view a tutorial on how to manage your classlist.

Instructions for Adding

  1. Log in to Learn@UCO and access your course shell.
  2. Click Communication > Classlist.
  3. Click Add Participants > Add Users.
  4. In the <add user search box> type the username, first name, or last name of the individual you need to add to your course then click the <magnifying glass> to start the search.
  5. Click the <checkbox> next to the individual’s name.
  6. Select the individual’s role from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click Enroll selected users.
  8. You can add additional users or click Done to finish.

Instructions for Unenrolling

1. Log into your D2L Course

2. Click Communication > Classlist.

3. Locate the name of the individual you want to remove from your classlist and check the box next to their name.

Screenshot Classlist click arrow to left of student to unenroll

4. Once the individual is selected, click Unenroll. Confirm it by clicking Yes when prompted.

Click Unenroll after selecting person. Confirm with Yes.

5. Your D2L Classlist will update.


For additional help with your Learn@UCO Classlist, check out these associated Knowledge Base Articles:

  • Email Classlist