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    The university follows the Email Blast Policy to ensure we are messaging our target audience in a way that is acceptable. All email blasts will follow this policy.
    Access to UCO IT systems and software must be requested via the Employee Security Access Form
    Safe Links is a feature in Defender for Office 365 that provides URL scanning and rewriting of inbound email messages in mail flow, and time-of-click verification of URLs and links in email messages and other locations. Safe Links scanning occurs in addition to the regular anti-spam and anti-malware protection in inbound email messages in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Safe Links scanning can help protect your organization from malicious links that are used in phishing and other attacks.
    The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the steps to send an encrypted e-mail, how to open the e-mail if it is received by UCO employees, non-UCO employees and/or students.
    Using the Phish Alert Button gives OIT the information it needs to defend UCO against the effects of malicious email attacks. Learn how to identify these malicious emails and how to use the PAB to stay cyber secure!
    Provides details about UCO's policy and recommendations for password security.
    Your UCO username is the gateway to most UCO services, such as UCONNECT, D2L, Email, etc. The format is typically your first initial then your last name and may be followed by a number.
    Summary of Email for Emeritus Faculty
    Guide covering calendars, contacts, fundamentals, task lists and navigation pane.
    The Safe Attachments security feature in Office 365 ensures that all potentially malicious email attachments are automatically executed in a virtual sandbox environment, allowing Microsoft to identify and block harmful attachments without any risk to UCO.
    The Intelligent Agents tool monitors a D2L course to find an activity that matches the criteria that you set. The criteria that the agents search for are login activity, course activity, and release conditions in Brightspace Learning Environment. Once the system identifies that the set criteria are met, you can elect to have the system automatically send an email or just document the results.
    Notifications allow you to get emails and/or text message reminders or updates about activity within your Learn@UCO courses. This guide provides instructions for setting up your notifications within Learn@UCO (D2L).