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Central's official mobile app offers iPhone®, iPod touch®, iPad™ and Android users quick, on-the-go access to campus news, events, athletics, weather and more. Search for "UCO Central" on the App Store on any Apple devices or the Google Play Store on any Android devices. Download and Install the UCO Central app and get connected to Central today!
Get Prepared. Be Productive. Stay Connected. Brightspace Pulse, an Android and iOS app, is free and available to all UCO students. This app provides a secure connection to your Learn@UCO courses giving you access to a weekly calendar, personal to-do lists, swipe to reveal grades, course updates, instant notifications and more. This article provides additional information on the options within Brightspace Pulse and a full guide for downloading, logging in and using the app tools and features.
This article provides an overview of Microsoft Teams. This will cover accessing Microsoft Teams through the web, via the desktop software and through the mobile app and includes a quick start guide.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus is installed on UCO-owned machines by default.
Provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the use of Adobe products at UCO.
This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step guide for publishing a report created in Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service (the online version) using your UCO Microsoft account. Also, this article provides information on sharing your workspace, report, or dashboard with other UCO employees/students.