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Scanned PDFs are commonly used in the academic world. You may find yourself scanning from a textbook or a magazine article. Although the PDF looks like real text, the scan essentially creates an image of the text, which is completely inaccessible to students with visual impairments and can be problematic for everyone. The following practices using Ally in D2L can help you create a more accessible PDF document from a scanned image.
Microsoft Word is a commonly-used application and is reasonably accessible. The text within Word documents can be read by assistive technologies such as screen readers and electronic Braille devices. Word is often used as an authoring tool and can be converted to PDF and HTML files for websites. Good design makes documents more usable for everyone. The following best practices are provided to help you maximize the accessibility of your Word documents.
Notifications allow you to get emails and/or text message reminders or updates about activity within your Learn@UCO courses. This guide provides instructions for setting up your notifications within Learn@UCO (D2L).
Recording lectures or short videos and then posting them to your D2L course is a great way to provide information to students succinctly and engage students in ways beyond that of text-based communication/instructions. This article provides a collection of resources for instructors who want to use videos for instruction.
OIT and CeCE are supporting two different exam proctoring tools with a variety of features to allow you, as instructors, the flexibility to select the solution that is most appropriate for your class, content, and teaching style.
Many people use YouTube to post videos. When a video is uploaded to YouTube, automatic captions are generated by machine learning algorithms and, because of this, the quality of the captions may vary. It is important for the video creator to review the automatic captions and edit any parts that haven't been properly transcribed. Follow the directions below to edit your captions in YouTube.
Improve the accessibility of your course with the built-in accessibility checker in the HTML Editor. Accessible content improves the learning experience for all of your students, but especially those with disabilities. By using the accessibility checker, you can be sure you are on your way to creating an inclusive learning environment for all of your students.
Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools used to create slide show presentations, typically during face-to-face meetings and lectures. However, PowerPoint can be used to organize thoughts for a lesson, present key points, and create handouts that can be printed. Because of this, the content will need to be accessible to those viewing the presentation live, those viewing printed versions of the slides, and those accessing the content electronically.
Contrast and color use are vital to the accessibility of digital content. All users must be able to perceive content on the page, including those with visual disabilities such as low vision and color blindness. The following information will guide you on how to evaluate and understand the use of color and contrast in your digital content.
Description, restrictions, and links to Assistive Tech (AT) software including built-in AT features in existing software and operating systems. For all staff, students, and some available to general public.
PDFs can provide an accessible way to deliver content. They allow people to share documents created in practically any software with someone who does not own that software. If not created correctly, though, they can be completely inaccessible to people who use screen readers and present barriers to many more. The following best practices are provided to help you maximize the accessibility of your PDFs.
The university follows the Email Blast Policy to ensure we are messaging our target audience in a way that is acceptable. All email blasts will follow this policy.
Digital accessibility is the practice of designing and developing websites, applications and documents such that their presentation, content and functionalities are understandable and operable by as many people as possible. Following the best practices in this article will start you on a path in creating accessible digital content for your students.
The D2L Assignments Folder tool in Learn@UCO courses now provides the ability to assess a variety of different submission types, beyond just student submitted files. This article provides an overview of the different submission types and the options available for each. These options are only available to newly created Assignments Folder.
Annotate student assignment submissions in Brightspace with ease. Make notes, underline, and comment directly onto the submitted assignment for student review.