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Services or Offerings?
Purchase discounted technology for university use

Purchase discounted technology for personal use

Central Collaboration Spaces are available for to UCO students, staff and faculty.

Report a disruption of service in Central Collaboration Spaces, for collaboration with classmates, offices, or teams.

The UCO Central application is available at the Apple store and the Google Play store. If you have a new feature which you would like to have submitted for implementation request it here.

UCO's emergency management notification system

The Central Tech Store can help!

Students, Faculty, and Staff can access a variety of software for free or a discounted price on the Central Tech Store Software Downloads site.

The UCO Central application which you have loaded on your device is not providing the information you expect, or you cannot login.

The UCO Master Calendar is the University's central, comprehensive source of accurate information about all events happening on campus.

The Qualtrics Survey Suite is a powerful research tool available to all University of Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff.

The ITSM service is the system that helps guide the staff of the Office of Information Technology to serving the faculty, staff, and students across the University of Central Oklahoma.

Request to have SAS installed or updated on your UCO owned and/or personal computer

Create and manage e-learning content for delivery inside or outside of a LMS

Purchase a Cisco IP Phone 8851, Cisco IP Conference Phone 8831, or Cisco Unified IP Phone 6901.