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Services or Offerings?
Report a technology issue within a classroom

Request new or updated classroom technology

Request a reservation for the OIT Technology Training Lab in Lillard Administration 101A.

Request Technology Training Assistance or Schedule a Customized Training Session

Purchase discounted technology for university use

Purchase discounted technology for personal use

Find information about purchasing a new UCO business phone in the Request for New Technology service area.

The UCO Service Desk offers general assistance related to services provided by the Office of Information Technology.

The ITSM service is the system that helps guide the staff of the Office of Information Technology to serving the faculty, staff, and students across the University of Central Oklahoma.

The Technology Resource Center and the Center for eLearning and Connected Environments created a collaborative faculty support pathway. If you need assistance transitioning your face-to-face material to an alternative instructional delivery method, please complete a brief service request form. A member of TRC or CeCE will be notified and assigned to your request. You may also use the Bookings link to set an appointment [f2f or virtual] with any member of the TRC or CeCE.

Planning to launch a new version of your website? Custom design work may be outsourced and is supported in partnership by Information Technology and University Communications by approval only.

The Central Tech Store can help!

Request IT support for your project

Access to Secure IT Closets

Submit an internal IT project that is departmental only