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Services or Offerings?
Request Technology Training Assistance or Schedule a Customized Training Session

Request a reservation for the OIT Technology Training Lab in Lillard Administration 101A.

Employees separating from the university will want to remove access to services before clearing campus.

Employee Security Access Forms are required for access to most UCO systems such as Banner, email accounts, file shares, and other university services.

The Learning Center provides UCO staff and faculty with online training opportunities and is also used to register for campus training sessions.

Report an issue with accessing a file share

Submit a request for access to institutional data

Submit a BronchoTravel related request

Submit a Paycom related request

Report a Paycom related service disruption

Find information and support for the Banner application

Report a BronchoTravel related issue or service disruption

Request access to the video surveillance system or installation of a camera or cameras

Request an additional network drop for your office or area.

Need to modify a feature or change the caller ID for your phone extension? Get started here.