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Services or Offerings?
Request Technology Training Assistance or Schedule a Customized Training Session

Request a reservation for the OIT Technology Training Lab in Lillard Administration 101A.

The Learning Center provides UCO staff and faculty with online training opportunities and is also used to register for campus training sessions.

The Central Tech Store can help!

Create and manage e-learning content for delivery inside or outside of a LMS

Purchase discounted technology for university use

Purchase discounted technology for personal use

Submit a request for access to institutional data

Deliver dynamic lessons, write notes in digital ink, and save your work

Report a disruption of service in UCONNECT.

Guest Access to UCO Wireless Network.

Zoom is a Universal platform available on windows, apple and IOS and android devices for creating virtual meetings.

Get assistance with password resets and access to UCO systems (UCONNECT, D2L, Banner, Degree Works, etc) and file shares.

Request general information and support for Top Hat (Clickers)

The Qualtrics Survey Suite is a powerful research tool available to all University of Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff.