Search13 Results

Services or Offerings?
Set up a conference call.

Need a new phone extension or an existing phone extension added to your phone? Get started here.

Domestic and International long distance access.

Zoom is a Universal platform available on windows, apple and IOS and android devices for creating virtual meetings.

Report an issue with audio/visual equipment at a conference or event

Need to modify a feature or change the caller ID for your phone extension? Get started here.

Report a technology issue within a classroom

Employee Security Access Forms are required for access to most UCO systems such as Banner, email accounts, file shares, and other university services.

Need to email a large group, we can assist. Request an email blast, sometimes known as a mass email or single message to a larger group.

Want your own .com? Submit your request for a "marketing" or vanity domain or sub domain.

Multimedia Services offers full audio/visual support for conferences and events to the UCO community.

The Qualtrics Survey Suite is a powerful research tool available to all University of Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff.

Report a disruption of service with Qualtrics.