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Services or Offerings?
Request to decommission a custom application which was developed by UCO

Request changes to your current custom UCO application.

If a UCO custom application is not working as expected, report it here.

If you need a mobile application, we can help you here.

Find information and support for the Banner application

The UCO Central application which you have loaded on your device is not providing the information you expect, or you cannot login.

The UCO Central application is available at the Apple store and the Google Play store. If you have a new feature which you would like to have submitted for implementation request it here.

Request general information and support for CRM-Recruit/Slate Admissions.

Request IT support for your project

Report a disruption of service for software

This is to report issues you have with teleworking or get assistance with remote work.

Request a modification to the Degree Works system

Set up a conference call.